Have to love Video taping with an ipad. By the way vemoe is terrible when transporting data from an ipad to the site. It is also terrible form large videos.
Untitled from Brandon Bennett on Vimeo.
Untitled from Anna Haley on Vimeo.
A few strengths that I saw after watching my video was that I gave students plenty of time to work on the assignment. I also had the students teach the information and then I took the time to re-enforce their teaching. I also picked students to work on the problems that I thought would not know how to answer it so as a class we could work through their mistakes. All three students did a great job.
As I walked around I noticed students working on the problems. They ones I saw that were stuck I stopped and helped. I was able to get to all the students in class today.
I felt that all the students were engaged to start the lesson. As the lesson dragged on I started to lose the kids who got stuck and the ones who finished early. Somethings to work on for next time.
During this lesson I tried to make a connection with each student to see where they were in the assignment. I also gave the students who needed the extra time to finish the assignment the time they needed. This caused some of the problems I saw with students not engaged.
I tried to support learning by having students work through the problems on the board. I also had them explain it so they could get used to understanding the process and how they saw it. By having the students explain the process of the problems allows other students to hear it from a different style of instruction.
My biggest challenge was giving students all that time to work on the assignment when I knew there were students who would be done early and other students who would not know what to do and start losing interest in the assignment. I need to find a happy medium where the students who get it and the students who need more time to work get it.
Next time I give this lesson I will take the time to assign more problems and then slowly work through them on the board. This will give me advanced students more problems to practice and harder more advanced thinking problems along with giving the slower working students the time to finish the basic questions from the assignment.