Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Education Weekly #6

In this weeks Education Weekly newspaper there was an article that hit home with what I have been doing for the past two months in MAT school, education technology. This article states that the Gates Foundation is going to donate between $60-$80 million dollars to the increase education of technology in schools. The goal of this program is to educate our students not only for college but for life. Our world and the jobs in it are becoming more and more technology based and the Gates Foundation feels that not preparing our students for this world is a problem.

The question is how do we educate our students to be technologically prepared for the world that they will face in the future. This article does not go into how or what will be taught in these schools. I believe from my experience in education technology class I have the skills to answer this question. First, looking at what it is to be educated in technology. Being educated in technology is to become technologically literate. This means that you will be able to navigate and comprehend basic programs such as excel, word, power point and many more. You will also have to have the capabilities to use online programs like goggle documents, screenr, delicious, blogs, etc. With an understanding of these programs along with the internet you will have the basics needed to be considered technologically literate.

To help our students reach the goal of being literate in technology, we as teachers must instruct the students on the basic skills it takes to run these programs efficiently. An example of a class lesson would be to put kids in small groups to research a topic. Once each group has information on their topic they would come up to the teachers computer, group by group, and make 2-5 power point pages on their subject. While each group is using power point they will be recording the steps taken to prepare their presentation on screenr. After every group has completed the task you can then show the class all the projects. Students then will be able to see the steps taken by each group to accomplish the presentations. Then you have the students reflect on how they used the programs, power point and screenr, and how their classmates did. This will allow your students multiple perspectives and a deeper understanding of the programs being used. The Gate Foundation grant will be a great thing for students and what they can accomplish in technology.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Education Weekly #5

As teachers we must be equitable in our classrooms and in everyday life. In the article 'Raising Expectations is Aim of New effort' researchers and policy makers state that they have been noticing a soft bigotry of low expectations. This takes place in schools everyday where teachers and administrators have preconceived notions about how a child learns and what they know based on their race or social economic background. This is why as teachers we need to be equitable in our classrooms. Understanding where our students come from and making those connections will allow for a greater learning environment where there is no biases or stereotypes.

In states like California, Georgia, New Jersey, and Connecticut they are using professional development to make the connections with their students to eliminate bias and stereotypes. For example this professional development course teaches students to think critically about how they learn and are taught. This allows teachers the ability to see what students take from their lessons and the students are able to see what it takes to teach. Some teachers realized that their students were not coming up with wrong answers because they didn't understand but because they have a different view of the world. The big challenge was being able to implement this program in the classroom.

The schools implemented this professional development lesson into the classroom by having students that were in the 6th grade teach students that where in the 5th grade. This allowed the students to experience a real life situation where they had to teach. Then the 6th grade students and their teachers here able to sit down the following day and reflect on their experiences.

I believe that this program that was introduced in these States allows teachers to be equitable in the classroom. Teachers will have the ability to see how their students learn and understand what is being taught to them. You will also be able to make a deeper personal connection with your students when you allow them to be apart of the learning process. When your students feel like they belong and have power over what they learn, then you have created a fun learning environment.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Analyzing Student Data in a Spreadsheet

Data / Chart

At first glance after calculating each students average it was easy to see what students where doing well in the class and which were not. I then broke the data down into just the students that were performing below the class average score of 192. Looking at the data it was hard to see any improvement through out the year. By tacking the data from the last five tests (6-10) I was able to find an increase in test scores. The students who had performed below the class average had made steady improvements in their final five tests. There was only one student who did not fit into this category, Katherine. Katherine showed a huge improvement on test seven. Then had a huge decrease from test seven to eight. She was able to turn it around and make steady improvements to finish out the year on tests nine and ten. The question I asked myself and would ask Katherine is what was different, if anything, for test seven. My goal would be to figure out if her performance could be replicated so that we could get her above the class average in the future.

My Spreadsheet Link

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reflection of Education Technology Standards

Technology is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our everyday life. The question is why then is technology not more prevalent in our schools today. All of that is about to change. President Obama in March released a campaign for a National Education Technology Plan. This plan states that every child by the time they graduate high school will be technology literate.

What does it mean to be Technology Literate? Well the state of Oregon has come up with a few guidelines that answer this question. To be technology literate students will have to demonstrate creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking and problem solving, digital citizenship, and technology operations and concepts. This seems like a huge task for teachers to incorporate into a lesson plan. On the contrary, with a little bit of imagination and effort implementation is possible.

The six Oregon Education Technology Standards are trying to convey a clear and precise explanation of what technology literacy is. They are also guidelines to what a student will need to know to be well rounded in the field of technology. When a student has met all the Oregon Education Technology Standards they will have the tools to live, learn, and work in our society successfully.

How I plan to apply the Oregon Education of Technology Standards is simple. I will focus on one or two specific standards at a time. To teach communication and collaboration along with creativity and innovation in my classroom I would set up a guest speaker on skype. This will give my students the opportunity to see an online application is use. We will then go into depth on the application and explore to see all its capabilities. Another example of these standards being implemented in the class is using screenr. Screer is an online application that will allow the students to make a short video about what we are learning in class. This video can then be shown to the class in a jigsaw style lesson. For these students to create this screenr they will need to research the information on goggle which would cover research and information fluency. As you can see with a little imagination and a computer you can give students the opportunity to become technology literate.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Education Weekly #4

Absenteeism has become a major problem in schools these days. Recent studies have shown that 42% of high school students miss a month of school or more each year. Administrators keep track of the number of students and their hours attended each school day but are not keeping data on each individual students absences. Students are not looked at on an individual bases until they have missed between 15-20 days or more in a given year. The problem is that administrators have to wait for a student to miss a large number of days before they are considered an at risk student. By this time it could be to late for these kids.

I believe as teachers it is our job to make sure that students are at school daily and given the opportunity to succeed. We can achieve this by keeping students accountable on an individual bases along with making school a safe place where students can learn and enjoy themselves. A prime example of teachers and administrators working for a common goal of having perfect attendance is Franklin Square Elementary. They keep track of their students on an individual bases. They make three rounds through the school at different times in the day to check attendance. When a student is absent they are on the phones calling anyone who is available to answer the question, why their student is absent. They are even willing to make house calls to help the parents get their kids to school. With this dedication students understand the importance of being at school and also understand that the school staff truly cares about them and what they can accomplish with an education. Recent studies have shown that students who attend school regularly have scored 15-20 points higher on state assessments than students who miss.

Absenteeism is a problem that all schools are facing today but can be easily alleviated with the support of the staff and teachers together. Having a school community where students feel like they belong and can have fun in a safe learning environment will help with the issue of absenteeism.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Education Weekly #3

High schools across the country have seen a huge increase in concussions in many contact sports such as football. In football alone they have seen on average between 43,200 to 67,200 concussion cases annually. This increase has been linked to an increase in information about what the symptoms are for a concussion. With this increase it has raised some question about what should be done and how are we going to fix the problem.

Being apart of football you see hits and collisions that can make your head hurt and you were not even the one who was hit. I do believe that part of the reason concussion cases have risen in the last 15 years is because we have been able to recognize symptoms more frequently. The reason for this is because student athletes are made to take a concussion test before they are allowed to step on the field. This test gives medical staff a baseline standard for each individual. When a player experiences a hard hit with another player or the ground they are given the same test. Players either perform very similar (no concussion) or different (possible concussion). This has been a quick an easy assessment of the field. This is different from the past where football players have tried to walk if off so that they could return to the field. This is because of the 'Macho' culture that football facilitates.

Emergency room doctors have seen double the cases of concussions in children ages 8-19 from 1997 to 2007 while the country has seen a decline in participation of organized sports. I believe that there are a few other reasons for us seeing an increase in concussions at the high school level in football. One is that student athletes are being given better in/off season training workouts that is making them bigger, stronger, and faster. This allows for bigger hits at faster speeds. Another reason that ties into this is the level of technique that a coach at this level is providing. If players are not given the proper instruction of how to hit and what to hit with you will see an increase in concussions. The reason being that it is natural to duck your head when you hit. Instead of having your eyes up and seeing what your about to hit.

All of this aside the article brings up a good point that these kids who are diagnosed with a concussion still have to attend school like everyone else. The problem arises when staff and administrators are not willing to modify the students academic work load for the duration of the head injury. Some staff believe that students will try and milk the system for longer than they should. But as stated above football has this 'Macho' mentality which would prove the opposite of kids wanting to prolong the injury because if they chose that route then they would not be able to play. So the question arises should students who have head injures such as a concussion be granted modified school work for the duration of the injury?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Favorite Web2.0 Tools

1. Definition of Web 2.0- Web 2.0 is a group of web applications that are used for social networking. These sites are user-centered and designed with user-generated content. They allow you to communicate in a virtual world with other people.

2. Delicious- Delicious is a web based book marking site. This site allows you to bookmark your favorite sites and then access them from any computer that you are logged in from.
With these capabilities you can set up a class Delicious account and bookmark all the sites that are relevant to the course material. This allows your students to have access to all the information talked about in the class whether on their home computers or the computer in a hotel when on vacation. Students will no longer be restricted to learning just in the classroom.

3. Screenr- Screenr allows you to make videos with audio capabilities on the web. These videos can have live video stream or you demonstrating the use of programs on your computer desktop. You can link these videos to your twitter, youtube, or personal site.
With this site you have endless possibilities in the classroom. For instance if you are going to be absent and you don't trust the substitute to accurately instruct your students on the math lesson for the day you can set up a screenr. With the screenr you can have a video lesson where you go through the chapter with examples that are worked out before their eyes along with all the audio being your voice. This allows for your students to not miss a beet.
Being able to post this on your own site such as a blog you can make the lesson available to students who are unable to make it to class because they are sick.

Yodio - Goggle Documents Presentation

After spending some time with goggle spreadsheets I was able to pick it up very quickly. It has all the same functions as Excel. This made the learning curve stress free. I have linked an example of what you can do with spreadsheets. I have taken the ages of students in a class and then used the functions to find out the average. Then I was able to put the data in a graph that has all its axis labeled. With this tool grade sheets and math presentations will be a breeze.