Thursday, October 6, 2011

Practicum- sharing a Lesson

The only lessons I have very taught are on the football field.

Learning Objective: The player will be able to demonstrate a drive block at full speed with 90% accuracy in 5-second intervals.

What worked for me during the lessons was not only modeling the action I wished to see but also breaking down each position of the body during the block verbally and visually. I used different players to demonstrate what I was saying verbally so that my players could see visually what it should look like. I also activated prior knowledge by describing specific body positions to weight room positions knowing that every one of my players had lifted a weight before.

After I described how the block needed to be performed I then quizzed them on some important parts of the block with the terminology I had just used in the lesson. I also had them perform the block at full speed and watched their technique correcting them if necessary.

During the lesson I watched my players’ faces to see if they completely understood what I was saying. When I checked for understanding if I got similar wrong answers I tried to relate that portion of the block to something I knew they had all done before.

If I were to re-teach the lesson I might fix the amount of time used to describe the block. I feel I spent about 3 minutes more than I wanted to. I would also pose more open ended questions that had more than one answer. Most my questions were direct and had only one answer.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect. Clearly stated and measurable objective; insightful reflection; and thinking about how minor tweaks would be even more effective.
