Friday, May 20, 2011

Education Weekly #24

In the article Discuss: 2 million dollars to track what kids eat it states that they have designed technology that will be able to take pictures of what a student eats and the student eating it. Then the camera will take a third picture with what is left on the students plate. This data will allow for tracking of what and how much food each student eats to see if they are eating correctly and receiving enough nutrition.

I feel the concept is a great idea but the implementation is incorrect. By teaching students the proper way to eat and having the cafeteria follow those guide lines will help keep students off the junk food. The problem is that students eat off each others trays and may even throw their food on the ground. Taking this into account you will have some skewed data with the cameras. I also think the article hits the nail on the head when they said it does not matter if we track what they eat at school if the second school is over they walk to the quicky mart and grab junk food or go home and eat the junk food. In the article it states that these changes need to happen at home first before we can make the changes in school.

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