Friday, November 5, 2010

MultiMedia Presentation

After blogging for the past 2 months I decided to use blogger and dabbleboard as my web 2.0 tools of choice. I feel that both of these programs will be helpful to me in my future math class. My blog will help me to reach my students; whether they were not in class, didn't get all the notes or homework assignment, or need more help. It will also allow me to post projects done in class that parents will be able to access and see their child's work. Dabbleboard is a great tool for math teachers. It is capable of making shapes fast and easy and gives you access to math symbols when using algebra. These 2 tools will also help me achieve Oregon's CIP requirements.

I cant wait to get into the CLASSROOM!!!!

MultiMedia Presentation

1 comment:

  1. Great use of blogging as a tool in the math classroom.

    And Dabbleboard --- definitely a gem of a tool. Extremely flexible and powerful product (and kids can work 'live' from different work stations). Great for worksheet, kids coming up to board and modifying, etc.
