1. Definition of Web 2.0- Web 2.0 is a group of web applications that are used for social networking. These sites are user-centered and designed with user-generated content. They allow you to communicate in a virtual world with other people.
2. Delicious- Delicious is a web based book marking site. This site allows you to bookmark your favorite sites and then access them from any computer that you are logged in from.
With these capabilities you can set up a class Delicious account and bookmark all the sites that are relevant to the course material. This allows your students to have access to all the information talked about in the class whether on their home computers or the computer in a hotel when on vacation. Students will no longer be restricted to learning just in the classroom.
3. Screenr- Screenr allows you to make videos with audio capabilities on the web. These videos can have live video stream or you demonstrating the use of programs on your computer desktop. You can link these videos to your twitter, youtube, or personal site.
With this site you have endless possibilities in the classroom. For instance if you are going to be absent and you don't trust the substitute to accurately instruct your students on the math lesson for the day you can set up a screenr. With the screenr you can have a video lesson where you go through the chapter with examples that are worked out before their eyes along with all the audio being your voice. This allows for your students to not miss a beet.
Being able to post this on your own site such as a blog you can make the lesson available to students who are unable to make it to class because they are sick.
Excellent overview of two very powerful web-based tools. Time permitting, you may want to link to the actual site (delicious.com and screenr.com), or link to tutorials, etc.